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VMware Data Recovery

Research and development team at Geeksnerds continue to come up with new propriety solution for data retrieval from VMware virtual environment. Geeksnerds data recovery are the experts in VMware data recovery.

VMware technology enables multiples virtual machines on a single physical machine sharing its resources across mulitple virtual machines. Different virtual machines could run multiple operating systems and applications on a single physical machine. VMware acts as link between the operating systems and physical hardware. Ends users cannot differentiate between physical and virtual servers. Data loss could happen due to a number of reasons:

  • Hardware Failure
  • Deleted Virtual Machine
  • Corrupt VMFS Volume
  • Corrupt VMDK
  • Corrupt Virtual File System
  • Deleted Files from Virtual Machine

Several Virtual Servers could reside on single physical machine or computer behaving as separate server. Virtual servers are widely used to cut cost as several VMware machines share same hardware. Data loss could be devastating as hardware malfunction could effect serveral virtual servers. Geeksnerds has the industry leading hardware and in house developed tools for recovery of lost data from Virtual servers. Geeksnerds renders data recovery services for all virtualized enironments:

  • VMware Infrastucture 2
  • VMware Infrastructure3
  • VMware vSphere 4
  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • Citrix XenServer
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastucture

VMware Data Recovery Related Links


One morning when I woke up I was shocked to see that my hard disk had been crashed and all important data had vanished. I didn’t have any idea whom to contact in this critical situation. I talked to my friend and he gave me their number and I contacted them with no hope of recovery of my data. I don’t know how they did it but all my important data was recovered in a matter of two days. Thank you Geeksnerds for fixing my hard disk.

Brian Julian , | (a satisfied customer)

I am a student and an NTFS user. For the completion of my degree I had to complete my thesis work. All my important project work was in my system. My younger brother accidentally deleted my files. I had no one to get help from as I was unaware of the fact that my data could still be recovered until I checked Geeksnerds site and downloaded Free Recovery software. I am doing a job now and I owe it completely to you people

Tom Parker

I can't express my disbelief at the fact that I was able to recover some very important data which I had lost after formatting my hard disk. It’s truly amazing how great this software is, even more unbelievable is the fact that it's absolutely easy to use, 3 cheers to Geeksnerds

Bhaskar, | Leicester

Data Recovery Services