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MDF Recovery Software – User Manual

How to Recover/Repair MDF file of MS SQL Database Server

MDF recovery software effectively recovers SQL databases. User can view all the information present in MDF files including data, tables, views, stored procedures, rules, user defined data types, triggers, indexes and constraints. The process is simple and user has to follow the step given below:

  • Selecting and loading file for recovery
  • Validating the contents of the database
  • Saving the database information. In this step user has two options, either to save the information as new database or generate the script.

Step 1: Selection of MDF/NDF Files

To select database to recover/repair, click on “Open MDF File” in Toolbar or Menu bar as shown:


Software will start scanning process and will display the results on completion of scan process.

Step 2:

SQL database recovery will show information present in the database files as show below:

MDF Recovery Software

The software will display the database schema, object, data, Index(s) and Constraint(s). User can perform search for required information from tables using “Search Table” option present in the toolbar.

Step 3:

Select the database which you want to save and click on “Recover Database” to proceed with saving the corrupt database as new MDF database file or script as show below:

Repair Corrupt MDF

If user wants to save only selected table or information then that can be checked from tree structure in the left pane of the software. When done, the “Recover Checked” button will be enabled, click on it and give the location to save the information as a new script.

Related Links:


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I am a student and an NTFS user. For the completion of my degree I had to complete my thesis work. All my important project work was in my system. My younger brother accidentally deleted my files. I had no one to get help from as I was unaware of the fact that my data could still be recovered until I checked Geeksnerds site and downloaded Free Recovery software. I am doing a job now and I owe it completely to you people

Tom Parker

I can't express my disbelief at the fact that I was able to recover some very important data which I had lost after formatting my hard disk. It’s truly amazing how great this software is, even more unbelievable is the fact that it's absolutely easy to use, 3 cheers to Geeksnerds

Bhaskar, | Leicester

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